The incidence of fire is greater when the weather is at its hottest, so avoid accidents by following a few tips:
This Christmas Season, don’t plug in too many lights into one single outlet. This will cause your system to overload and explode. Purchase outdoor lights for outdoor use, and purchase low-consuming series lights for indoor use. Also use the best Christmas lights to decorate your tree.
Remember that the tree is highly-combustible. Therefore, one light exploding might cause your entire house to burn down. Especially in the hot summer weather, a small fire spreads much faster, so be mindful – and keep that fire extinguisher ready at all times.
Always use surge protectors. Some house fires start because electricity sometimes fluctuates (especially during summer). Surge protectors guard the appliances plugged into it from sudden surges of electricity, thus protecting your electronic equipment from exploding.
Although it is summertime, the incidence of rain is high. Protect your house and electronic devices by installing lightning rods. Some of the power surges are caused by lightning strikes, and must therefore be prevented by installing the proper protection devices.
When the summer rainstorms cause a flood, even before the water level rises, turn off the main switch. I cannot stress this well enough, but water reaching your live sockets will cause the rising flood water to electrocute anybody who steps into the water. When evacuating to higher ground, never go barefoot, because the incidence of electrocution is greater when one does not have any rubber-soled footwear on. Also try to avoid metal objects from coming in close contact with sockets that have been immersed in water. Always call your electrician before plugging anything back into a socket that has been submerged in water. Flood and electricity is a deadly combination!
Especially during the hot summer weather, never touch any electronics with bare wet hands (and feet). Wear rubber slippers and gloves if you want to avoid electrocution. Never ever forget to dry your hands before plugging or unplugging anything – no matter how small it may seem to be.
Enjoy the summer, but be careful also. A few flames can explode into a huge uncontrollable fire if you are not careful. Hot weather makes the air humid. Summer may be nice when you’re enjoying your fun outdoor activities, but it also poses some dangers.
that is how good our Electricians are. anyway it is important to follow some tips for saety.